I picked Coming- of age and creation of identity and I am going to show this through Kambili's point of view. I going to show this throughout the posts on the blog, and how she changes and her actions change as well.
The reason why I picked this one is because there is a thread throughout the whole book. Starting at the beginning where she says nothing and obeys everything. And later in the book Kambili gets introduced to different ways of being through small steps, this changes how she acts and she "creates her own identity". This blog will be a condensed version of Kambili how she changes from the first chapter of the book until the end of the book. How she starts of not knowing how to act and what to do, to taking care of her mother. Those are the most extremes, but some others could just be her being accepted by Amaka.
I think the method of a blog is a great way of showing this thread throughout the whole book.